
Mah Name's Ken Rosenthal...People Call Me Ken Rosenthal

As I was heading to bed late last night, I flipped on the ol' television for a minute before dreaming about donutburgers and Jessica Biel (preferably in that order of importance).

Since I still had on FSN Midwest from the Cardinals/Padres game earlier in the night, everybody's favorite, The Best Damn Sports Show was on. I noticed host Chris Rose interviewing what looked like a nerdy high school kid possibly talking about a chess tournament or something. Actually it was FSN's Ken Rosenthal, wearing his Forrest Gump Halloween costume.

I hate to pull my fashion police badge out Ken, but tell your mom to pick out better clothes for you next time. I suppose your luggage could have gotten lost and this is all Best Damn could find laying around backstage, but I doubt it. Stick to the suits Kenny. Hopefully Rob Dibble didn't give you a wedgie after the show.

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