
This Week in Old-School Wrestling Promos

Bet you thought I had forgotten about this soon-to-be BertFlex mainstay, didn't you?

Last week, we kicked off our public speaking course with the inimitable Dusty Rhodes. An e-mailer who went only by the initials HMW noted that one "Nature Boy" Ric Flair is also pretty good at talking. 

This, of course, was not news to me. In fact, I'd put Flair at the top of my promo rankings, with the Rock a close second. No other wrestler engendered the hatred and envy that were just another day at the office for the 16-time world champion. 

We've linked to His Woo-ness before, but there's plenty to go around. Come get a taste.

P.S. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, you're welcome.
P.P.S. And, yet again, you're welcome.

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