www.brethedican.com does not exist...
that does say bret hedican, and not "bre the dican" or "brethe dican" as it looks spelled out as one word.
Speaking of the worst websites in history... go HERE for the most awesomely awfulest rap evar, a 12 year old kid rapping about the Indianapolis Colts. Retardiculous, NOW with video goodness.
This just in Bret Hedican is terrible and that website is god awful.
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that does say bret hedican, and not "bre the dican" or "brethe dican" as it looks spelled out as one word.
Speaking of the worst websites in history... go HERE for the most awesomely awfulest rap evar, a 12 year old kid rapping about the Indianapolis Colts. Retardiculous, NOW with video goodness.
This just in Bret Hedican is terrible and that website is god awful.
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